Cambridge Research Science Institute

Since 2001




LATEST NEWS: One of our board members, Dr. Aysegul Timur, has just became the president of Florida Gulf Coast University.  The Florida Board of Governors has confirmed Dr. Aysegul Timur as Florida Gulf Coast University’s fifth president.  Professor Aysegul Timur served as vice president and vice provost for strategy and program innovation at the university. (Read more..)

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Cambridge Research Library







Journal Publications

Upcoming Conferences

The Business Review Journal 24


The American Academy of Business Journal 25


Previous Journal Issues:  BRJ   *   AABJ


New York 25

Hawaii 25

London 25

Bangkok 25

Tokyo 25

Miami 26


The Library of Congress, Washington, DC   *   ISSN 1553 - 5827   *   ISSN: 1540–7780

Association of American Publishers (AAP)   *   Professional / Scholarly Publishing, New York


Double Blind Peer Review Process   *   Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Journals   *   Refereed Academic Journals   *   Indexed journals

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Chamber of Commerce of Beverly Hills, California

National Library of Australia: NLA: 42709473 * NLA: 55269788 * NLA: 49026139

The Cambridge Social Science Citation Index, CSSCI

Association of American Publishers

Citations / h-index / i10-index for the Journals


h-index: 131  *  i10-index: 1,054  *  Citations: 56,826


Scholarly Journals

(Read More)



BRJ         *        AABJ

The Library of Congress, Washington, DC

ISSN 1553-5827   *   ISSN: 1540–7780



Publication Ethics 



Keynote Speakers



Accepted Papers' List



Voice of the Editors



Members' Pictures








 New York













BRJ   *   AABJ






  Call for Papers  (Conferences)


  Call for Papers  (Journals)











New Members / Chairs  (Read more...)        *        Editorial Team  (Read more...)

Dr. Joseph J. Ahn, Economist

The White House, Washington, DC

Doctorate: Harvard University, MA



Dr. Aysegul Timur, President

Florida Gulf Coast University, Florida.

Doctorate: University of South Florida (

Dr. Abraham Park, Dean

Pepperdine University, California

Doctorate: University of Cambridge, UK

Master: Harvard University, MA


Journal Issues







BRJ Summer


BRJ Summer


BRJ All Issues

2003 - 2025

AABJ All Issues

2001 - 2025

AABJ March


AABJ March



Citations / h-index / i10-index for the Journals

 Total Citations for the journal:  56,826

 Total h-index for the journal:   131

 Total i10-index for the journal:  1,054


 The numbers will be updated daily basis.



The Princeton Review

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U.S. News

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AACSB Business Education Logo.

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Accreditation by AACSB International represents the highest standard of achievement for business schools, worldwide.


Book:  Best Seller

Perspectives in Consumer Behavior: An Anthropological Approach


Dr. Z. S. Demirdjian   *   Dr. Turan Senguder   *   Dr. Robert G. Tian

























The Finance, Economics, International Management, IT, Marketing, MIS,

and Healthcare Management Research Conference

Mandarin Oriental Hotel






Participating Universities

University of Georgia  *  University of the District of Columbia  * Pace University  *  Eastern Michigan University  *  Sam Houston State University  *  University of Illinois at Springfield  *  University of Ottawa  *  California State University  *  The New Jersey Institute of Technology  *  Northeastern University  *  West Virginia University  *  Florida Gulf Coast University  *  The University of Waikato  *  Medaille College  *  Texas A&M University  *   Concordia University  *  Chulalongkorn University  *  Purdue University Calumet  *  The Pennsylvania State University  *  Jacksonville University  *  Hodges University  *  University of Hawaii at Manoa  *  Mahasarakham University  *  Valparaiso University  *  University of Michigan-Flint  *  Mount Ida College  *  University of Houston  *  ENPC, School of Int. Management  *   Pace University  *  Montclair State University  *  University of Hawai'i-West O'ahu  *  York University  *  University of New Brunswick  *  Alvernia University  *  The University of West Florida  *  London School of Economics  *  Grand Valley State University  *  University of Zagreb  *  Rowan University  *  New South Wales and Victoria University Sydney  *  William Paterson University of NJ  *  Central Connecticut State University  *  California State University * Anadolu University  *  University of Split * Baskent University  *  Metropolitan State University of Denver  *  Stetson University  *  Bryant University  *  Mahasarakham University  *  University of Lethbridge  *  Valparaiso University  *  Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University  *  University Catolica San Antonio de Murcia  *  Lebanese American University  *  Lincoln University of Missouri  *  Bogazici University * Laurea University of Applied Sciences  *  University of Piraeus * Florida International University  *  University College London * Kuwait University * University of Bahcesehir * D'Youville College * RMIT University Vietnam  *  Kean University *  California State University at Los Angeles  *   Winona State University  *  The New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ  *  University of Michigan-Flint, MI  *  Creighton University  *  Eastern Connecticut State University  *  Pepperdine University  *  Manhattanville College   *   York University. Canada  *  Hodges University  *  California State University at Stanislaus  *  Ecole des Ponts Business School  *  University of the Azores  * Shih Chien University  *  Ryerson University  *  King Saud University  *  University of Split  * State University of NY at Albany  *  Widener University  *  University of St. Thomas  *  Ling Tung University  *  Jacksonville University  *  University of Delaware  *  Lebanese American University  *  California State University  *  The Hong Kong Polyt. University  *  University of Latvia   *  Yıldız Teknik University  *  University of Florida  *  University of Houston-Downtown  *  Florida Atlantic University  *  Chulalongkorn University  *  Bellarmine University  *  National Sun Yat-Sen University  *  Loyola Marymount University  *  Texas A&M University  *  Texas Tech University  *  New York Institute of Tech.  *  Nova Southeastern University  *  Florida Gulf Coast University  *  Bentley University  *  University of Hawaii at Hilo  *  Stanford University  *  University of New Haven  *  University of New Haven  *  University of Phoenix  *  Parthenope University of Naples  *  King Fahd University of Petr.and Min.  *  University of Central Missouri  *  University of Tennessee at Martin  *  Sodertorn University of Stockholm  *  National Central University  *  University of Toronto  *  University Malaya

(See more Participating Universities)




See Pictures of Members, Editors, Chairs (view pictures...)


 ACCREDITATION of an institution of higher education by a regional accreditor indicates that it meets or exceeds criteria for the assessment of institutional quality evaluated     through a peer-review process.  An accredited college or university is one that has available the necessary resources to achieve its stated purposes through appropriate   educational programs, is substantially doing so, and gives reasonable evidence that it will continue to do so in the foreseeable future.  Institutional integrity is also addressed  through accreditation. Accreditation or pre-accreditation by a postsecondary regional accrediting agency qualifies institutions and enrolled students for access to federal funds  to support teaching, research, and student financial aid.  (Regional Accreditation)



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Best AACSB Accredited Universities

Nova Southeastern University, Florida (read more...)

Mercer University, Georgia (read more)









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